About Marie Porter

Marie Porter is the author and recipe developer behind Celebration Generation, as well as its spinoff blogs: Beyond Flour, Low Carb Hoser, Spandex Simplified, and Autism Rants.
Marie began her meandering career path in the fashion industry, as a formalwear and spandex costume designer. Recognized around the world for her work in athletic costuming, she has written 6 specialty manuals on sewing stretch fabrics - The Spandex Simplified series.
After 15 years in fashion, Marie made the transition to the culinary arts, as an award-winning baker and cake artist.
Awards she has earned include a gold medal at the Upper Midwest Bakery Association convention, the Twin City Bridal Association's ICON award in the "Excellence in Cake Design" category (Judged by Sylvia Weinstock!), and being named the 2012 "Czar of Cakes". Her cakes also landed her as a first round contestant on MasterChef season 4, where she presented Gordon Ramsay with her famous Mango Mojito Upside Down Cake.
In 2010, she released her first cookbook, "The Spirited Baker", followed by "Evil Cake Overlord", "Sweet Corn Spectacular", "Beyond Flour", "Hedonistic Hops", "Beyond Flour 2", More Than Poutine", and "Maize Craze".
As a baker with a gluten allergy, Marie has spent the last decade developing gluten-free recipes that are as good or better than their full-gluten counterparts.
Marie realized early on that all-purpose GF flour mixes were OK at best, and none really worked as “all-purpose” as wheat flour does.
As such, each recipe is crafted from the bottom up, utilizing flour, starch, and technique combinations specific to that recipe, ensuring the best possible result.
About Michael Porter
Michael Porter (Who goes by "Porter"!) is a mechanical engineer and food/commercial photographer located in Hamilton, Ontario.
Porter's work has appeared in local, and international magazines, in catalogs, corporate websites, and as well as in many online media outlets.
He is responsible for the vast majority of photos on the Celebration Generation family of blogs, as well as all of the photography in Celebration Generation books.
In addition to being an awesome husband and photographer to Marie, Porter is Celebration Generation's "Chief Engineering Officer", responsible for all custom builds, equipment repairs, and warp engine emergencies.
About the Beyond Flour Blog
This blog is entirely about gluten-free cooking and baking!
Some recipes are simple, some more complex, all delicious.
While the overall blog isn’t focused on “clean” eating - GF comfort food is our THING - we do have some cleaner recipes in here - grain-free, paleo, and /or AIP.
- Marie & Michael Porter
Note on PR, Reviews, Etc
We like to rave about people & things that we find interesting, and like to go about doing that, unfettered.
We don't do PR-sponsored posts for anything other than products that we love.
That said, we ARE open to having interesting stuff pointed out to us. We're only two people, and can't have our fingers on the pulse of random awesomeness 24/7, you know?
Whether you're a person completely unaffiliated with the "something cool" you think I'd be interested in, work for the "something cool" company, or are a PR rep hired by that company, feel free to contact us.
If - and this is a big if - we think that what you're pitching would be something we would love, and that our readers would love, we'd be interested in discussing ideas.
Dear readers, we open the blog up to this to be exposed to more cool things, for you.
Rest assured, unless we adore something, we will never promote it on this site.
When we ARE mentioning something that was pitched to us, we will absolutely disclose the nature of it.
Good? Good!